Released: 1957 (USA)
Video Release (UK) 1989 CBS Fox turns the spotlight on Joan Collins series
DVD Release (UK) 2007 Twentieth Century Fox - Cinema Classics (Joan Collins Collection)
Running time: 100 minutes. Colour
Director: Richard L. Breen
Genre: Drama
Discovering a plot to blow up the American ambassador in Japan, a US secret agent (Robert Wagner) has difficulty persuading the target that the threat is real.
With the assassination set for a peace movement dedication ceremony, the ambassador refuses to believe the death reports and won't co-operate with the agent.
Another major headache is the agent's beautiful girlfriend (Joan Collins) who disapproves of his secret lifestyle and threatens to leave him.
Robert Wagner - Mark Fannon
Joan Collins - Tina Llewellyn
Edmond O'Brien - George Underwood
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